Wednesday 12 April 2017

My Timeline

My business card


The rail trail
Little river to motukarara   

At 9:30 we loaded the kempthornes truck up with our bikes at school. We were going to have an exhilarating day biking. At about 10 ish we were 4km from little river where there was a car park that we started at. We waited for the truck to get unloaded and then the truck and the cars that we transporting us went to motukarara and the parents that were going to bike with us got a ride back with a parent that wasn't going to bike brought them back to where we were.

We started biking at about 11 o'clock.Then we stopped for lunch at halfway which was about 10km into the rail trail. We started biking at about 1 o'clock and i was in the front group the whole way. When we had finished the bike was about 1:45and the we loaded up the truck and got into our cars and went back to school and we did nothing much at school, it was a hot and sweat making bike ride.most of us were tired and felt like relaxing. Then at 3 o'clock we went home.